This project is getting shelved while I work on a more interactive version.

Below is a rudimentary example of the hippocampal network. Each triangle is a neuron. Each color corresponds to a different brain region within the hippocampal formation. The red neurons represent the entorhinal cortex, the green are the dentate gyrus, dark blue are CA3, light blue are CA1. Neural messages, or action potentials, are the yellow circles. The width of the connections, or axons, between neurons reflect how strong the connection between two neurons is. If the connection is strong, the axon will be thicker. This results in a stronger input to the next neuron. When an action potential reaches a neuron it changes the neuron’s voltage, this is reflected in how bold the color of the neuron is where white is -70mV (resting membrane potential) and full color accompanied by a “pop” is -55mV (and upwards) to reflect the neuron reaching the action potential threshold to pass along information. Overall, this can show you how information is being processed and sent throughout the brain and how brain circuits change over time based on the activity of neurons.

Different circuits will develop each time the sketch is refreshed (refresh button at the top of the window).

Written in Processing. Embedded with OpenProcessing
Heavily based on Daniel Shiffman‘s neural network example in The Nature of Code